
LOVERBABIES is an ongoing anthology of video work created by Clarissa Rose Peppers & Nick Hay. Conceived as a representation of the life that they share together with their young son, the collection investigates a dialogue between two artists collaborating in art-making as they do domestically; in love. Ranging from only a few seconds of collage to several minutes of narrative, the individual videos present instances of cooperation & opposition, affection & disdain, as well as attraction & repulsion. When viewed alongside each other as a group, the work looks at the dichotomies that are inherent in every intimate relationship and that, at times, result in tangible outcomes not unlike the process of art-making. Screen captures of all videos can be found on-line at and full length videos can be viewed online per request.

Clarissa Rose Peppers was born in Cincinnati, OH. She received her BFA from Northern Kentucky University and her MFA from the University of Colorado Boulder. She has exhibited her work nationwide and her video work can be viewed on-line per request.

Nick Hay was born in San Antonio, TX. He received his BFA from Texas State University and his MFA from the University of Colorado Boulder. He has exhibited
nationwide and his work can be viewed online at

Loverbabies was on view March 24th-April 8th at The Blue House Gallery


Conversation Versions


"You and Me and Everyone Else"