W I S H  M O U N T A I N

W I S H M O U N T A I N featuring an Ultra Optimistic interactive installation by Brian Edward Selke & Casey VanHecke of Chicago.

from the artists:

ULTRA OPTIMISM // art to make people feel loved

Ultra Optimism is a way to make and view art. As a mantra to excite a social practice, Ultra Optimism is a way of living. Just as art can inform an audience, an audience can also inform art. By empowering the viewer and inspiring participation, art becomes a conduit for a larger shared experience of cosmic benevolence. In a sincere and inclusive environment, the art celebrates positivity, creating a contagious state of mind that can be sustained and passed on.

Check out some of Brian’s work here: http://www.brianedwardselke.com

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Follow the artists on instagram @ultra_optimism / @ultra.optimism


Wish Mountain

A short discussion with Brian Edward Selke and Casey VanHecke of Ultra Optimism about their amazing interactive exhibition at The Blue House Gallery.


Groundless - Teréz Iacovino


An Easy Tension - Issa Randall